Thursday, May 7, 2020

The s Concept Of Cultural Odor And Fragrance And Girls ...

The Kim Sisters, Wonder Girls, and Girls’ Generation, and Nicki Minaj reveal the same aspect of gender ideology: sexualized female commodities. However, through the process of globalization, they are represented in different contexts in terms of time and place. Also, feminine sexualities are depicted in different theme in regard with the level of cultural adaptation, appropriation, or subversion in the process of globalization. Koichi Iwabuchi’s concept of cultural odor and fragrance and Sun Jung’s concept of transculturality as hybridity help understand the similar but different aspects in each music video. Before thriving the globalization, the Kim Sister’s music video reveals the replication of American feminine sexuality: cultural†¦show more content†¦Wonder Girls reveal the cultural appropriation to represent their otherness in their performance, affected by polycentric cultural globalization and advancement and transformation in the cultural technologies. Basically, the group seems to gain the motif from African-American female groups in America in the Sixties, who were very popular, and whose sexual appeal was outstanding. Wonder Girls imitate the U.S. feminine sexualities in Fifties and Sixties through their outfits, hair, and the gender role as the background singers. They attempt to remind the audience of the sexual fantasy in the past. However, Wonder Girls appeal their indigenized feminine sexuality as well. For example, they turn their subordinated and marginalized roles as singers into the main singers who are spotlighted and become popular. It reveals moder nized female sexualities that Korean women have developed. The mix of two different cultural femininities would help develop sexual fantasy. It appeals to the viewers not only in the U.S., but also in other Asian countries. In the same vein, in the Girls’ Generation’s music video, â€Å"I got a boy†, two fold of aspects of feminine gender and sexuality are represented in the context of polycentric cultural globalization and cultural adaptation. One is cultural feminine typicality, such as aegyo, the other is girl’s empowerment, such as

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